A Novel Infection Control Method

Pasteur’s theory of infection is a cornerstone of Western medicine. Here we propose a new approach that the proliferation of microorganisms in infectious diseases is encouraged by chronic stress-induced imbalances in the host that suppress both the immune and the digestive systems.  

Nature’s method of controlling microbial growth uses quorum sensing inhibition, which disrupts the essential molecular signaling between microorganisms. Signal molecules produced by bacteria allow the pathogens to coordinate their behavior, and after reaching a threshold level, stimulates them to activate their virulence genes.  

However, the resulting infectious disease can be interrupted and even prevented by suitable, mainly hydrophobic quorum sensing inhibitor molecules present in a variety of common foods and spices. When a host’s metabolic reservoir is enriched with these plant-derived inhibitors, infectious disease cannot develop -- even if pathogenic microorganisms are present. In addition, these same bacterial inhibitors are also potent immune stimulants which can help reverse immune suppression. 

Microbes are not solely causative in the disease process, but merely opportunistic parasitic organisms, whose proliferation can be suppressed by resupplying the body with the necessary quorum sensing inhibitory nutrients. This observation challenges Pasteur’s theory, and provides a straightforward alternative to Western medicine’s antibiotic and antiviral-based microbial control methods, while also questioning the rationale for vaccination.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” It is now possible to confirm this statement by modern scientific research. Effective antimicrobial strategies must follow Nature’s principles. We propose that a broad-spectrum antimicrobial QSI supplement should contain at least one spice and two plant derived oils. The Infect-BlockTM formula which is now available to the public is minimally comprised of cinnamon, olive oil and peanut oil, suitable to control microorganisms in the digestive and excretory systems.

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