There are several published and unpublished theoretical papers and patient case studies (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) that demonstrate the wide range of efficiency of our integrative approach to treating cancer. We already have dietary formulas developed for the treatment of infections that accompany cancer.
Diabetes and More
The incidence of other degenerative diseases like diabetes is also on the rise worldwide. Ongoing research has led A-D Research Foundation to developing nutritional therapies for a wide range of conditions, including:
Alzheimer’s disease
Infectious mononucleosis
An anti-parasitic composition and immune stimulating and longevity formulas are also being developed. These will be introduced in the future by A-D Research. We are interested in collaboration with alternative therapists and nutritional supplement companies to market our products.
A Paradigm Shift
Western medicine neglects the therapeutic possibilities that an appropriate diet can provide. This can largely be attributed to the hospital, surgery and pharmaceutical-based business model that have evolved. However, we hope that the advancements we have made in understanding the dietary bases of various degenerative diseases will catalyze a paradigm shift in the delivery of health care services. Our goal is to assist in the transition from “sick-care” medicine to a wellness strategy that will bring about true health for people around the world.