Emotional Background of Cancer

Dr. Reich found that the onset of cancer is preceded by a number of early events that lead to a gradual restriction of the flow of life energy, called orgone, in people's bodies. In his view, the cancerous disease starts early in life, associated with an early childhood trauma leading to a respiratory block and suppression of emotions. Later on, the individual may have difficulty in establishing a love life, eventually leading to a retreat from happiness and meaning.

The respiratory block and emotional suppression lead to what Dr. Reich called a neuromuscular armoring--a constant tension of the musculature and the nervous system. This restricts circulation to and oxygenation of vital organs, eventually leading to the gradual depletion of bioenergetic charge in the tissues.

Shortly before the development of cancerous tumors, many patients have undergone a strong emotional trauma, which may be the loss of a loved one or anything else central to the patient's life (e.g., a job loss). This reinforces their emotional resignation.

Dr. Reich demonstrated that the course of cancer could be positively influenced if the life-energy depletion of body tissues is reversed. He developed a life energy (orgone) accumulator made of alternating layers of metals and organic insulators. Technically, his device is a box-shaped or flat-plate electric condenser.

If a patient sits for a specified period of time in the orgone accumulator, the skin and body core temperature increase. There may be sensations of tingling, flushing, deeper respiration, greater energy level and liveliness. With the general expansive effect on the entire system, the patient may begin to feel a welling up of suppressed feelings. Dr. Reich found that many of his cancer patients had had no sexual activity for years, and lived in a loveless state. Such patients may need additional professional spiritual/psychological counseling help to resolve these emotional blocks.

Current cancer treatments including surgery, radiation or chemotherapy that impede normal bodily functions such as eating, defecation or sexual desire may drive the patient into a state that actually increases emotional resignation and may well lead to relapse and metastases. The orgone therapy can complement the nutritional therapy that corrects underlying physical deficiencies, for a bioenergetic recharge and the resolution of emotional (subtle energetic) blocks in the patient's body.  

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